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Agape Love 3:16
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Agape Love 3:16
Thanks for visiting Agape Love 3:16!
Thanks for visiting Agape Love 3:16!
This web site is designed to aid the believer in his/her journey with the Lord. It is also designed to inspire the non-believer into belief. We do this in several ways:
1.There is a section where you will find testimonies from real people about real life miracles that God produced based on the individual's faith and God's natural desire to bestow blessing.
2.You will also find a section dedicated to explaining Christian beliefs based on biblical doctrine. It is under the heading, "What the bible says about..." You will be supplied with scripture passages by which you can make your own assessment. If there is something which we've missed, feel free to email us at agapelove316paidinfull@yahoo.com.
3.You may also email us with prayer requests at this same address or you can write your prayer requests under the section, "Contact us/Prayer Requests". It is an honor to pray for your needs.
4. If you are in need of an answer to a certain biblical principle or if you simply have a question about what the bible says on a certain subject, please feel free to email us with your question. You may do so at the above email address listed or you may write your question under "Contact us/Prayer Requests". We will do our best to answer your questions.
And in case you're wondering where the name, "Agape Love 316" comes from; "Agape" refers to the all-encompassing, self-sacrificing love of God. Jesus said "the greatest love is shown when someone lays down his life for a friend" (John 15:13), This is directly related to "316" ....."For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son, that whoever believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life". John 3:16. Hence, Agapelove316.
It is our hope and prayer that together we will grow in faith and in knowledge of God's infallible Word.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!