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Agape Love 3:16
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Agape Love 3:16
About Us
I am a born again, non-denominational, bible believing, blood bought Christian who was raised in the church. At the age of 7, I asked the Lord into my heart. But in my twenties, the Lord suffered my rebuke when I immersed myself into the occult. Though I never denied He was God in my heart, my involvement in tarot card reading, psychometry, astrology, beginners palmistry, guided meditation, and the use of crystals to divine the future (just to name a few!) certainly spoke quite a different truth. Thankfully, in 1995, a friend gave me a book, "Between Christ and Satan" and it was in this book that I discovered the truth about divination; the fact that "there shall not be found among you anyone who practices divination...whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord"
(Deut 18:10-12). It was then that I gave up tarot card reading and all other aspects of fortune telling "cold turkey" and sought only the Lord for answers. This occurred on February 22, 1995 and it is this day that I consider to be my "rebirth" or spiritual birthday; that is, the day I truly became born again and along with that a precious child of God.
Since then, it has been an exciting love affair with my first love, the Lord of my life, Jesus Christ. He has carried me through tremendous heart aches and struggles and has effectively used these trials to further deepen my faith in His ability to provide and in His loving desire to bless us. He has truly proven to be the faithful God He claims to be in His Word. It is my desire to utilize this web site to proclaim His goodness to all who will take the time to bare witness to these most sincere words.
I have been enrolled in bible college for several years now and have been a faithful student of the Word of God, immersed in private study as well. I read through the bible every year as the Holy Spirit reveals more in depth nuggets of God's infallible truth. Most Christians go through a hot-cold-hot-cold phase in their walk. I'm proof that this need never be the case. If you seek Him daily, you will find Him daily. (James 4:8) Your relationship with the Lord is not unlike any other relationship in your life; it requires commitment and an undeniable part of this is a sacrifice of your precious time. What at first may seem like a sacrifice will soon become the most precious part of your day. I guarantee it.
Read (the Word). Pray (the Word). Worship (the Word Himself).
I hope that this web site will help the believer who doubts to rekindle the fire of their first love; and those who deny, the grace and humility to believe.
God bless you in your journey to fill the God-ordained void within. May you find Him Who is able to fill you.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."
Revelation 3:20